Monday, April 2, 2007

I couldn't get my head around stitching yesterday. I did start my April L*K but, I didn't get far enough to warrant a photo. Hopefully tonight.

I went out into the back yard yesterday and so far the only flowers we have is this pretty little crocus plant. I bought some flowers from one of the ladies here at work who's son was selling them for Boy Scouts. I hope they come in soon as now I can't wait to get out and plant.

I bought these little guys before we bought the house and they have been living on our porch till It got nice enough for me to be able to put them outside. Actually I didn't want to put them out till I knew where flowers would be growing. Didn't want to put them on top of the flowers.
Can anyone help me on this. I found this pot in our back yard behind one of the bushes. The previous owners left us a lot of stuff (lawn mower, hoses, stuff like that. So we are always finding things all over the place. It's like a treasure hunt. *grin*
I've seen these pots before I know the holes are so when you plant something in it they will grow out the holes. My problem is I don't know what to plant in it (is there a certain plant or flower I should get for this pot?) and does this pot have a name? I'd like to know so when I go into the plant store I'll know what I'm talking about.


JOT said...

My parents had a tub like that to grow strawberries.

I hope you get the stitching bug today. :)

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

The pots are called Strawberrie pots. We had a strawberry garden tho' so my Mom didn't put them in there...what she put in (and what I do now that I'm a "big girl" :) )
is put Hens and Chicks in them...You only need a few to put in each hole and the next year the thing will be full of them and if your lucky you might get a "rooster" to bloom! They are easy to grow and don't need a lot of water :) I love mine!

Jamie said...

My mom used to have tons of these. Most had strawberries in them, but the ones that I got to plant had these flowering ivy plants that were so pretty flowing out of them. I odn't know what they were called but good luck!

Pumpkin said...

Those crocus are GORGEOUS! Wow!

As for your pot, I have seen different herbs planted in it. I have tried strawberries as well :o)

I got your message Jenn and I'll email you soon :o)

Karen said...

Yep, it's called a strawberry jar or something like that. But I've also seen people put a different herb in each hole. Your crocus are beautiful! I have Spring fever myself, and can't wait to get into the garden again.

stitcherw said...

Loved the picture of the crocus, so pretty and a sure sign spring & summer are on the way. I so want them to be here. We were having nice weather, but now we are going to drop back down again, and they are even forcasting a little snow, ugh!

Loved the singing kitties, they will look adorable our in your garden this year. Sorry I don't know anything on the pot, but it looks like a lot of others had some ideas for you.

Carol said...

Looks like someone told you - that is a strawberry pot. Buy a bunch of strawberry plants later this spring and fill the pot with dirt - put a plant in each opening - it will be gorgeous!! (Just keep it away from chipmunks - LOL - that is a problem here as we are in the woods!)

Hazel said...

Hi Jen. You can also use them to pot herbs in as well. I did that with one I had. I put in basil, oregano, thyme, etc... You can also plant other flowers in them as well like pansies and violets. I think you can use them for anything!!

Cheryl said...

Lovely pictures! Well my mum has some pots like these and she uses hers for flowers, mostly pansies.

ollie1976 said...

Beautiful flowers!

Mary said...

Your crocuses (?) are really pretty. Sorry, can't help you with the pot but it looks really neat.
You're going to have a great yard this year.

mrsfroggie1970 said...

I'm trying to grow strawberries in mine at the moment in hot old Brisbane (Australia) where we are now on level 5 water restrictions. I'll try and take a picture of mine to show you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn, I'm very much behind in blogreading, sorry.
By now you know... it's a strawberrie pot. ;o)
Just be carefull to let terra cotta(red clay?) pots suck on a LOT(!) of water before you put soil and plants in them.
Especially these strawberrie pots can get dry in the summer.
Beautyful crocusses, they are bulbs.
I'll be back later to read some more logs.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my English, let the pot suck in a lot of water...?
I hope you understand what I'm trying to tell you...
(ARGHHH, about being claer as mudd...)
See any changes somewhere?
That's why I wasn't around reading lately...
You're invited!

Anonymous said...

I never knew they were strawberry pots -- I've always known them as pots for hens and chicks. We never had the success that vonna describes, though! I like the idea of a different herb for each hole...