Wednesday, August 9, 2006

How Pretty

Lavendar & Lace have a new design called Dance of the Roses. I think it's so pretty.

Sorry I've not updated you all on our house search. We've still not sold the condo and it's put me into a state. I'm just affraid we are going to loose the house. Don't worry as soon as I have any news I'll be sure to let you all know.


catandturtle said...

I like this design too, very pretty. Ann.

Julie said...

I like it too. Haven't heard from Lavender & Lace for a while. Don't stress about your house if you can help it - everything will work out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn! :o)

I had seen her, and I like her 100x more than Evangeline! LOL

But I don't think I buy her, I've fallen in love again with Emma's Garden.
Oh, and there are still a few Celtic ladies waiting... and, and, ...

I hope everything with the house will go as you want it to go!
Keeping my toes crossed, otherwise I could not type...
Take care dear!

Anonymous said...

I love this design. Very pretty. I will keep you in my thoughts that the condo gets sold quickly and you hear good news regarding the house. Hugs, Carolyn

The Queen's Stitch said...

That is a very lovely L&L design! I think I've sworn off L&L for a while. I've stitched Celtic Christmas, Rose Arbor, and most of something I think is called Guardian Angel. I think I need a 5-year break.

Hang in there on the house thing. I know how stressful it can be! It all works out the right way in the end. Good luck!


Carol said...

Hang in there Jenn - it can take a bit to sell a house or condo lately... I wouldn't worry about losing the new house, I am sure they are interested in selling to you!

Mary said...

I love that pattern too. It's just so relaxing to look at. I hope you will be able to sell the condo soon. I'll keep you and Paul and Misha in my prayers that you can sell your condo soon so you can close on the house.

Bastet said...

I like this design as well. Everyone is having problems selling houses and condos at the moment. It's just a bit of a slump in the market. Don't worry yourself overly much there, things will work out.

Stitch Wizard said...

Dance of the Roses is really beautiful! I love her designs and have wished she would come out with another one in her Told in a Garden.

Thank you so much for your nice comment to my blog! You help inspire me. I really enjoy having you come in and hope to see you again soon. Good luck on your house! Debby

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn,

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment :) The mermaid you were asking about is a "quick stitch" from Heaven and Earth Designs.

Again thanks for the visit, and now that I have found yours, will be back for sure :)