We put a bid in on a house we liked. We had looked at it last month and the owners truned down of offer but, they accepted it last night. You can see the house here. We are going to cut the pine tree down when we move in. Now everyone just keep your fingers and toes crossed that we can sell our condo so we can move into this house. LOL.
I've had no stitching time which totally sucks but, I hope to be able to find sometime this afternoon. I'm going to start Sleeping Beauty's Castle. I've decided i'm going do to it over 1 with 1 thread. Still not sure about this parking the thread thing but, we'll see how it goes. :P
I did a nother RAK this week. Mary always ends her e-mails and chats with Aloha. So when I found Aloha Faeries this week I knew I had to get it for her.
Your house looks absolutely perfect. I bet you are SO excited. Congratulations. I had a nosey at it on your link and I've spotted a wonderful place for you to sit and stich Sleeping Beauty's Castle! (which by the way is also absolutely perfect!) Hope everything goes smoothly for you.
That is a great looking house. I will be keeping my fingers and toes the condo gets sold soon. Hope you get to start stitching on Sleeping Beauty's Castle today. It is going to be awesome when completed. How very sweet of you to purchase aloha faeries for Mary. This one will also be cute once completed.
Woo Hoo! So happy for you guys! Keeping my fingers crossed that your place sells quickly. S.B. Castle is going to be absolutely gorgeous, I can't wait to see it.
Your new house is so cute! I love the porch on the back. And hardwood floors, I love those.
Oh my gosh! Congratulations!! It is so cute! Next year I will send you some plants for your garden :-) Woo Hoo!!!!
Missed you at ABC Stitch Therapy today! We were hoping you would come up.
Thanks for the bday gifties - you are so sweet!! I just opened my parcels. Mike took me on a dinner cruise of Boston Harbor tonight :-) I will post my gifties in my blog tomorrow.
Yay, Devil Rays! Thanks for beating up the Yankees for us today! LOL
Wow Jenn, the house looks lovely.
Hugs xxxxxx
That is great news on the house! Such a cute place for you all to move to. I am also kitting up Sleeping Beauty's Castle. I am torn between starting it on plain fabric or on "Thunder" or "Treetops" by Sugar Maple.
Hi Jenn,
Congratulations on your new house!
I love that beautyful pinetree though.
I am soooooo happy for you and Paul. I'm still crossing my fingers and toes that you can sell the condo ASAP.
I still love the Aloha Fairies!
Aloha!!!! he he
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