Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A ballanced life

I've felt for a while like I should start blogging again but, I wanted to make a change to how I blog and I wanted to think about it before I put...well not pen to paper but, fingers to key board. If I stitch I stitch and I'll talk about it but, I'm going to try and spend more time talking about the ohter things I do also.

Maybe just writing on here will help me work things out in my head and figure out what I want to do next/now.


Kim B said...

I like your thinking. I look forward to hearing more from you.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Writing always helps me...so write away!

Pam @ Heart2Heart said...

I agree with you. I haven't written on my blog in a few months either because I'm not stitching, to many other things taking up my time. But maybe I should just blog about things like that instead of trying to focus on just one segment of my life. Welcome back! =D

Chiara said...

Welcome back ... write what you prefer we will read you the same :)

Jennifer said...

Welcome Back.

Daffycat said...

Blogs with only stitching can sometimes get a tad boring...right? Chat about whatever comes to mind, we will let you know our thoughts on the subject. On the whole, we stitching bloggers are quite a wise group and we adore offering advice and support!

Mary said...

Yes, stitching only blogs can be tiring. I know... that's my blog mostly except for R.I.P's lately...lol.

I'm so glad you are back blogging. I've missed your blogs. :-)

Welcome back!!!!


Cheryl said...

Hey! It was so good to see your blog highlighted in my google reader again! Just blog what you wanna blog, doesnt have to be stitching related :)

Karen said...

So glad to see you back! I often mix "life" with stitching on my blog. Although lately I haven't been writing about anything--too much time spent on Facebook, I guess!