Sunday, May 18, 2008

I went up to New Hampshire at the end of April/begining of May again this year to Celebration of Needlwork. I was worried going up there since I hadn't been stitching as to how I would feel once I got up there. I shouldn't have worried. I was fine. Once I got there and got to see everyone stitching I just wanted to dive right in and stitch too!

A while ago I hasd started working on Ivy and she was the piece I picked up while I was at Celebration to work on. I'll have to see if I can find the bag that the fabric came it. It was a piece that Carol helped me pick out last year at Celebration.

I had a lot of fun geting to see everyone again and meeting new people (Mary, Eileen, Margaret). I did however miss hooking up with Carol this year but, I won't let that happen next year.

I had hoped that once I got back from Celebration I'd have my stitching mojo back. I didn't really, but, I came back to me yesterday. I picked up My Needle's Work by LHN (4 down on the page). I didn't get much done but, I just love this piece and I'm already thinking about when I can work on it again. I just love the scan of his piece as it shows the color chanves in her top much better then what I see when I'm working on it.

Since it's been a while since I posted I thougth I'd share a few pictures of Felix and Stitch or the 'kids' as we call them.

Say 'hi' Felix.


Karen said...

Ivy looks stunning! I love the colors on that fabric! It's going to be gorgeous. That kitten is too cute, too!

Kim B said...

Both of your pieces look beautiful! I hope to see lots more stitching to come on both these pieces :)

Anonymous said...

So happy for you that your mojo is coming back!! love the colours of Ivy!
The two kitties are too cute...LOL!!

Dawn T. said...

I love the fabby for Ivy!! I can't wait to see more.:)

The "kids" are so adorable!

Mary said...

Waving Hi back at Felix! Waving Hi to Stitch too!!!
Imagine me saying how cute Felix is with that squeaky cutesy

Wow you got a lot done on Ivy. I loved the fabric you are using. It was great seeing you up in Nashua.

Thanks for posting. I've missed reading your posts.

Beatrice said...

Ivy is coming along beautifully. The colours are so nice!

The kittens are so cute. I'm happy they are fitting into your home!

Thank you for the lovely comment.

Sharon said...

Beautful projects! I love the fabric Ivy is on. Your kids are too cute.

Marie said...

Hey Jen, I will almost certainly attend the NH show next year and would love to meet up with you. Do you stay over or go for the day?

Your cat is so cute! Do you have a cat named Misha, or am I thinking of someone else?

Concetta said...

Felix is such a cutie! I'm looking forward to seeing more of "Ivy". I'd love to stitch a couple of these one day.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

YAY! Back on track!

Cheryl said...

It's good to hear from you again Jenn :)

stitcherw said...

Glad to see you back and posting. Adorable pictures, kittens are so cute, and I love watching them when they explore things. You've made a great start on both your LHN piece and Ivy. I have Ivy in my stash to do at some point. Glad you had such a good time at Celebration, sounds like just what you needed to get your stitching bug back.

Pumpkin said...

I'm glad to hear you had a great time and it's nice to see you post again :o)

Your stitching is coming along nicely and I hope your mojo stays.

The kids are just TOO CUTE!

Hazel said...

Love that fabric!! What a cute kitty. xx

Deb said...

Dear Jenn, I used to go to Celebration! We could have been in classes together and never known it!! One of these days I'm coming up there again! Your Ivy start is great. Thank you so much for the birthday remembrance...I'm emailing you! Love and hugs, Deb

Stitch Wizard said...

Ivy is looking really good already! Glad to hear you are feeling more like stitching. I think we all get to times we just have to work at that. Thank you for your really sweet comment in my blog at this difficult time!! It means so much to me. I see you are a huge animal lover as well! Your kitties are soooooo cute!!

Hugs Debby