Thursday, March 27, 2008

Things aren't going very well around here at the moment so I'm selling off some of my Cross Stitch stuff. If you'd like to see the list of what I'm selling please send me an e-mail (my e-mail is in my sidebar under about me) and I'll get the list off to you.


Vonna Pfeiffer said...

OH NO! I hope things right themselves soon....

Kim B said...

I hope things are okay.

Hazel said...

Hope you're okay Jenn. That sounds like a drastic thing to do hun. xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Jenn, I hope that things get better for you soon! Hang in there! Let me know if there is anything I can do. Even if it is just to listen.

Mary said...

Hugs! I'm really sorry Jenn

Anonymous said...

Sending good thoughts your way, Jenn!!

Cindy said...

I hope that everything gets better for you soon L)

Margo's Musings said...

Hi, Jenn, I'm sorry to hear things aren't going well - I hope things turn positive soon!

Sending good wishes your way, Margaret

stitcherw said...

I'm so sorry to hear things aren't going well for you at the moment. I'll keep you in my thoughts and hope things improve soon. Remember we're here if you need to talk, vent, whatever. {{hugs}}

Pumpkin said...

Oh no, I don't like the sounds of this Jenn :o( I hope things will get better soon. ((((HUGS))))

Dawn B. said...

So sorry things are not right in your house right now. I'm a good listener if you wanna email.

Michelle said...

Big hugs. I hope things get better soon. Please email me if you'd like to talk!