Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Monday

Morning all! Yes here I am bright and early (kind of) on this Monday morning. Still no stitching but, I hope to do some soon. I keep thinking about stitching now I just have to find the time to sit down and do some. My books still seem to be calling to me louder then my stitching.

That reminds me I need to change the current book I'm reading in my tool bar. (mental note to myself *grin*)

I tried to go and catch up on everyones post this weekend. I didn't do much - if any - commenting but, know I've caught up on almost everyones lives so far and you've all made me green with envy with all your beautiful stitching.

I like a lot of you was the recipient of the generous person who sent out floss to everyone at Christmas time. Did we ever find out who it was? I at first though it was Harmien cuase it was packaged the same was as something I'd received from her.

I hope everyone has a good week & thanks for stopping by.


Cheryl said...

I think it was Harmien too!

Annemarie said...

Whoopee! Another post. Well, this is stitch-related, isn't it? Also, I would love to read what you think of the novels you peruse :o)

Wawanna said...

Sometimes you just need to take a break from stitching. I have been knitting and doing crochet a lot these last couple of months. You will be all the more excited when you are once again ready to do some stitching. Best Wishes, delight in your reading.

Pumpkin said...

Good to see another post from you Jenn :o) I've been reading a lot too.

Carol said...

Welcome back Jenn - I am terribly far behind in blogs and only knew you were back because you commented in mine today :-) Hope to see some stitching soon :-)

Michelle said...

Well, those books can be addictive! Hope you can get back to a little stitching soon. Enjoy your gift!

stitcherw said...

Lovely floss, the color is gorgeous. Glad to hear that the stitching bug is coming back. Looking forward to hearing what project it is you decide to work on when you pick it up again. Sometimes though we just need a break. There are so many fun books to read too, and there just isn't time for all of it.

Mary said...

Glad to see you back posting again. I missed reading your posts. How very nice of that person to send floss to you all for Christmas. :-)
I did a little stitching on Monday but never took a picture of my work so my blog doesn't have any updated stitching.
Have a great weekend!

Lelia said...

Hey Jenn: I still have no idea who sent the fibers. But, blessings to whomever!!

Enjoy your week

Hazel said...

Good to see you posting again. xx

glamlawlib said...

Hey, no need to apologise about being drawn to reading books - I'm a librarian so that's completely understandable :) Hope I might have enabled you a little with the link I sent though ;) i just saw it and thought of you!

Deb said...

Yay, Jenn!!! I found you again! Ignore my email of today. I think the Secret Santa is Harmien, defineately. Nevertheless, if it is..she wants to keep it quiet, because she's not telling!! :) Keep on reading, but stitching sometimes, too!