Thursday, September 13, 2007

Redwitch had a contest on her blog for her one year Blogaversary. I didn't win the contest but, she still sent me a GC to Down Sunshine Lane because I was one of the first people to comment on her blog when she started and kept her motivated. It was so sweet of her and I can't thank her enough.
Here is some of what I got with my GC and some things that got myself.
Country Cottage Needleworks - Daisy Sampler - I watched Bonnie stitch this up and I couldn't resist getting this for myself.
Country Cottage Needleworks - Sunflower Sampler
A plain boring white piece of Lugana for some exchanges that I'm doing.
Dragonfly Stitches - Romance in Bloom, For the Love of Celtics, and Celtic Gardens
I also got Acorn Hill and a chart that I want do do for someone but, if I post it here she'll know it's for her so it's under wraps for now.
I've also been meaning to post this for a while. I'd seen on Dawn's blog a needle roll she had down. I posted to her asking if I could borrow the magazine it was from so I could stitch the piece and when she sent me the magazine she sent a long the cutest little fob.

Thanks again Dawn! It was so sweet of you! I can't wait to get started on this piece and I can now that I've got the fabric for it.


Anonymous said...

Oooh, you are so lucky! Your new stash is yummy!! Fellow stitchers are wonderful, aren't they!

Aussie Stitcher said...

Nice stash Jenn, I have to restrain my clicky finger.

Pumpkin said...

Awesome stash Jenn! What lovely patterns you picked out :o)

That's lovely that Dawn made that for you. She did a great job :o)

Cheryl said...

That was kind of Dawn!
Great stash!! I love those CCN charts

Dawn T. said...

I love the new stash!! I am glad you like the fob:)

Mary said...

Very nice fob. I love your new stash. Thanks for you comment on my blog. It's still a work in progress but I've got my basics on it. Enjoy your new stash!!!

Hazel said...

Awww what a lovely lot of goodies! xx

glamlawlib said...

Great choices Jenn, glad I was able to contribute to the stash funding :)

Merrilee said...

What a lovely stash! I'd never seen Dragonfly Designs before... I can feel my wishlist growing.

Kathy said...

Oh wow you are lucky. Love the Taxi fish too, he is real cute.

Hugs xxxx

Michelle said...

Wow! Lot of goodies today. Love your choices!

Carol said...

Congratulations Jenn! Sue (Redwitch) is a sweetie - she sent me a chart off of my wishlist just for telling her how to get to ABC Stitch Therapy (a friend of hers is visiting NH right about now) - how generous, and she is sweet! Wow, now you are doing exchanges too? What progress! :-)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Stitchers are the nicest people!

Anonymous said...

You got some great looking stash there. What a cute fob. What about those Patriots? I think they are awesome! Go Brady!

stitcherw said...

What a cute fob, how sweet of her to make it and send it along as a surprise. Also, what wonderful stash. You're going to be all set for lovely projects to work on.

sugardoll said...

Hi my dear

Thank you for dropping my blog and leaving your glass slippers.LOL I meant comment LOL.

You have some major stash haul there. wow!! Congrats on the gc!!

Bev said...

oh look at your new stash and all those country cottage samplers, how lucky are you cant wait to see the pics