Thursday, August 23, 2007

Stupid Me

I did the stupidest thing yesterday morning. To make a long story really short. I put an contact lens in straight out of the disinfectant so I 'burned' my cornea. I'll be find but, I've basically been living in the dark for the past 2 days. I'm pretty much ok now....the bright light still kind of hurts my eyes but, it's mostly cause I've been in the dark so long. I need to get use to it cause I really have to go to work tomorrow.

So I'm here not getting any stitching done and trying to read your blogs and comment when I can.


Annemarie said...

Oh you poor girl!!! That's why I don't have lenses. This would happen to me on a daily basis, probably. I do hope your eyes will be in full working order very, very soon! {{{hugs}}}

Carla said...

o_O poor girl...does it hurt?? Hope you recover fast ((hugs))

Kalu V said...

*ouch* hope your heals soon , if it makes you feel better...
I made myself some on those instant soups with raspeberry flavored water....mmm yeah *yuks*!!!

Dawn T. said...

Ouch!! Hope it gets better soon.

Merrilee said...

Ouch. Hope you feel better soon. Don't feel too silly though. An Aussie football player turned boxer (what a combination) cleaned his contact lense with his tongue, and gave himself an bacterial infection in one eye which left him partly blind.

Leeland said...

Oh, Poor you! This is extremely painful, I know it!... You'll have to be extremely cautious when you start wearing your lenses again -and may be have to change the cleaning products for sudden intolerance. I hope not though. Did you see a Doctor?
I just hope you recover fast and fine.
Take care, Jenn,

Cheryl said...

Ouch!! That sounds so painful! And no stitching?? That must be painful as well ;) Hope you recover soon

Hazel said...

Oooh ow ow ow! Poor you. My giveaways open if you want to join in the fun Jenn. Oh and I have sent off the LK chart - let me know when you get it. xx

Barb said...

Ouch! Just thinking about it makes my eye burn. I hit my eye with a car door one time and that hurt for a long time. I was so glad I didn't have my glasses on or I'd have had broken glass in my eye. Then again, maybe it would not have happened if I had my glasses on. Hope your eye heals very soon.

Mindi said...

Ouch! I've never done something quite that bad, but I have put my lenses in before the solution has fully neutralized. OMG, it burns so bad! Hope you get better soon.

Aussie Stitcher said...

OOOHHH I hope your eyes improve soon.


glamlawlib said...

Ow, ow, ow! Jenn I hope you're eyes are better now?

Jennifer said...

Ack! That pains me just hearing about it. I hope you're feeling better now!

Mary said...

Just reading that made my eyes sting. I hope your eyes feel better soon!

stitcherw said...

Ouch, that would be so painful. I have contacts too, and need to remember to rinse mine first with the sensitive eye stuff or it burns. I hope it's totally better soon and doesn't cause to much discomfort for you tomorrow.

Scotland is so pretty. I had looked for a picture earlier but figured I just must be searching wrong as couldn't find it. It will be striking when done.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

OH MY....I'm behind on reading I'm late...I hope you're well soon..that's horrible :(

Trixie said...

Ouch!! I can't even touch my eyes w/out freaking out, I can't begin to imagine putting things in them. *shudder*

Pumpkin said...

Oh goodness Jenn! I hope your eye is okay. Ouch :o( Get better soon so you can stitch ;o) HUGS!

Karoline said...

{{{Jenn}}} I hope it's feeling better

Chiara said...

Ouch!!I hope you are well by now !!

Michelle said...

You poor thing! Hope it heals quickly!

Jamie said...

Oh Jenn! That hurts so much. I hope you can see soon. I love Scotland and your WIPs.

Karen said...

I just saw this now. OUCH! I'm so sorry about your eye. I hope you're feeling better!