Thursday, April 12, 2007

What am I going to listen to in the mornings now.....

I listen to Imus in the morning when I'm getting ready to go to work and on my drive to work. (for those of you outside the US he's a radio DJ who is syndicated around the US). He got fired from his job today for something he said last week. I'm not going to get into the controversy. My only point in bringing this up is that I've been listening to him on and off since I was 6 (most of the time on but, there was a time when I was in collage and starting out on my own that I didn't...and yes I said 6...My mom would listen to him in the morning's and there for so would I). It's just be come such a part of my routine that I don't know what I'm going to do when I get up tomorrow and he's not there to listen to.

I almost finished April today. You really can't tell but, I'm filing in around April with a color that is almost like the fabric so it's kind of hard to see. After that I need to do the bands on the baset. I know I got the color I need to do the bands but, I can't find it so I'm going to have to make a stop tomorrow and pick up the color. So I should have this done tomorrow.

I will try and take a picture of the wole piece so far once I get April done.

Has anyone else seen the new Passione Ricamo chart yet? I think she is stunning.


Cheryl said...

April is looking great! Im looking forward to seeing a picture of the whole piece so far.

Annemarie said...

I read the headlines about Imus on my Yahoo homepage, but couldn't figure out what happened preciesely. My English isn't bad, but apparently it still isn't good enough. I hope you find something/someone else to listen to very soon!
April looks lovely.

Juls said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! The corset charts are from Dimple Designs! My LNS had to special order them but they are available!

Angi said...

The new PR is amazing! I love it! Your April is loving lovely, and I can see the color you're filling in just fine!

Jamie said...

April is looking good. Are you doing all of these together? If so we might need the first quarter picture of that!! I hope you have a great weekend. There's NPR in the morning?

Lana said...

Good job on April!

Christine S said...

April looks great! I hadn't seen the new Passion Ricamo design yet. She is quite pretty!

Michelle said...

The new PR chart is beautiful. I am definitely going to have to add some of those designs to my stash. April is looking great - can't wait to see the whole piece!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh you rock knocked that LK right out :)
It's sort of a sad situation with Imus all the way around isn't it....from all sides....He is an icon and he's tumbled in disgrace, unfotunately, seems that it happens alot these days :( What about Bob and you get them syndicated?! They are out of news...all fun and games (sometimes a little raunchy) but they make me smile when I get a chance to listen to them :) They really crack me up sometimes!

Carolyn said...

Your April flip it looks great :)
I hope you're feeling better. :)

Barb said...

Cute LK finish! Great job on it. Until this past week I had never heard of Imus! I sure have heard of him by now!

stitcherw said...

April is looking so cute, it is moving quick I can't believe you're almost done. The new PR one is gorgeous, her face is so delicate and lovely in this one.

Carol said...

Really? I've never listened to Imus, even once. LOL Love your finish!! Got your email and plan to reply tomorrow as I want to give your question some thought :-)

mrsfroggie1970 said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the whole piece as "April" looks great!

Stitch Wizard said...

Hi Jenn:

Your LK is really cute and you have done such a great job on it! I myself haven't been listening to Imus but althought I am probably in the minority, I feel like it was overkill when they fired him. He apologized for what he said to everyone involved. I think that Rosie O Donnell says worse things day after day. Anyhow, I love your project here and am glad that you have felt like doing some stitching!!

Jamie said...

Thanks for the congrats! Details are posted!

Dawn T. said...

April is pretty. I love the colors!

Mary said...

April looks great. I can see the detail. I can't wait to see the finish. You are really coming along great with these months. I'll have more details for you this week about the end of the month when I'm down in CT. I'll email you when I find out more details.
Have a great week!

Hazel said...

April looks really great!

Aussie Stitcher said...

Hi Jen, this is the first time that I am posting to your blog. April looks great.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn,
I hope you find something to listen to again. (((HUGS))). Your flip it is looking awesome. Thanks for stopping by my blog recently.

Anonymous said...

There always seems to be a colour missing, isn't it?
Looks great so far!

Pumpkin said...

Very cute Jenn :o)