Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Good Day

Today was a good mail day. Now not ALL of this showed up in the mail but most of it did.
I ordered some fabrics and they arrived last Friday. They are 28 ct Lambswool, 28 ct Babbling Brook, 25 ct Angel Blush Lugana, 32 ct Antique White Lugana

The Antique White Lugana is for Blackstone Fantasy Garden by Ink Circles, the Lambswool and the Babbling Brook are for ornaments i want to stitch for the Christmas Ornaments SAL group. I have extra material for the ornaments so if anyone would like to trade some fabric with me let me know.

Then I ordered the New Years Eve Fairy from Downsunshine Lane and that showed up today.

Then I got 3 birthday gifts in the mail today. The big box is from Carol. I started to open it but, when I peeked in It didn't look like it was wrapped so I just left everything in the box. The card is from Chiara and the stripped package is from Michelle. Thank you all so much. Your gifts have gone into a basket I have along with Annemaries package and it's all waiting for Friday.

Registration for Celebration of Needlework started today. I'm looking forward to this year. I know that Mary, Carol, Jo and Margaret are planning on going this year. Anyone else planning on going this year?


Pam @ Heart2Heart said...

What pretty fabric! I am looking forward to seeing your progress on the fairy too. I SO wish I could go to Celebrations, I'd love to meet everyone, but financially I can't do it. I'll just have to hope you all take lots of pictures so I can feel like I was there ;) How exciting to get presents, can't wait to see your surprises =D

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Ooo, can't wait to see what you got for all your presents...that will be a stellar day! :)
I WISH I was going to the CoN! The Louisville KY one is 2 hours from me...I really, really want to go, but I can't leave my kids for that long with school starting up.
Maybe someday!

Carol said...

Oh my goodness! You are so patient about not opening your gifts!! I never wrap the gifts to my stitching pals, as I never expect them to wait - LOL!!! It's up to you, but I say - go ahead!!

Pumpkin said...

Great stash Jenn! I bet those parcels contain some goodies as well ;o)

Have fun at CON!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, what a great mail day! :o)
*waiting impatiently with the rest of us, for you to open the packedges*
I loved your sleeping kitty!

stitcherw said...

Lovely mail stash, I can't believe how restrained you're being not opening up your presents. Fantasy Garden will be so pretty. I recently saw this one done up and it was lovely.

Karen said...

Oooooo! Pardon me, but I think I just got some drool on your fabrics! lol...

Jamie said...

Great mail day! I definitely want the LE New Years from Mira. Her and the Valentine one are my favorite. But I do like them all.

Hope you have a great day tomorrow. By the way I'm sending a little package but it's going to be horrifically late!

Jamie said...



(your package just went out so you should get it next week)

JOT said...

The fabric looks lovely. I'm looking forward to seeing what you stitch on it.