Monday, February 26, 2007

Did anyone hear that thud?

Yes that thud was me falling off the 50 project challange and buying stash that was not on my exception list. I was on the ABC Stitch site today and I found these 2 new Mirabillia charts.



and I couldn't pass either of them up. I think I acutally squeeled when they came up. I know they don't have faces and they look a little least I think Fern looks stranger then Ivy but, I just fell in love with them.
Now I have to make a decision as to what I do with my 50 project challenge, Start over, Keep going from where, or just give up and try and be good. Other then Celebration I can't see myself buying more stash. Just stuff to finish what I already have (fabric, floss, stuff like that).


Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Ooooo, I like them a lot too!
I'd just give it up and say live and let live! You only live once...might as well live your passion :)

Kajsa said...

Those are gorgeous! Happy belated birthday.

stitcherw said...

I can see why you decided you needed them. Ivy is my favorite, she's gorgeous. As for your 50 projects, you've been so good for quite a while, so I think you deserve a slip or two. Why don't you consider it a belated birthday present to yourself and not count it. :)

Laci said...

I agree with Sue, consider it a belated birthday gift to yourself and just continue along with your challenge

Carol said...

I saw those a couple of days ago and knew you would get them - LOL! I like Ivy, could pass on Fern.

Anonymous said...

Like others said, just enjoy to the fullest what you have bought and continue your challenge if that makes you feel good too. The main thing is that you are in line with what you WANT to do ;-) Ann.

Cheryl said...

They're lovely. I think i like ivy best. I say just carry on with your challenge (or give up - but i have no will power so dont listen to me!)

ollie1976 said...

You bad, bad woman! :)
They do look pretty.

Anonymous said...

You HAVE to support the needleworkshops!!!
Otherwise they go out of bussines!!! (sp.?)
Enjoy life!
Enjoy stitching!
Freedom I say!
I think I have to order these too...
(but I will make faces for them!, ooooh and there are 4 more to come out in this serie... LOL)

Julie said...

Don't feel at all guilty, Jenn. Ivy is the sort of chart you would sell a kidney for! I love it! x

CJ in OK ;-) said...

These two designs are super and definitely too great to pass up. Remember the 50 projects was meant to inspire not restrict your creativity. Enjoy your new purchases and continue to strive for your 50 finishes. Maybe Ivy and Fern will be finish 49 and 50.

Mary said...

I think you should just keep going. Definitely not give up but you shouldn't have to start over again. May is coming up quickly. When I saw the 2 fairies on ABC Stitch, I thought of you. I'm glad you ordered them.

Juls said...

Happy Belated Birthday! i agree with the others just consider it a bday gift and go is too short! Live your passions!!!!

Pumpkin said...

Thankfully they did nothing for me ;o) I do like her new pattern though but I can hold off so my 50 Project Challenge is safe....for now.

Hazel said...

I like Ivy the best. Could you not swop some of the projects on the 550 project challenge? Thanks for your blog comments. I have added you to mine.

JOT said...

I think both charts are lovely and you did right to buy them. I will enjoy seeing your progress on them.

Kathy said...

Awwww Jenn happy belated brthday hun, so sorry I forgot with being away and being Ill things get on top of you.

Wow now that I havge seen those Charts oh dear and I wasn't going to spend any more moeny rofl.

Hugs xxxxx

Karen said...

I like them, too! I even like the faceless faces. I haven't fallen off my 10-Project Challenge Wagon, yet though. But I can feel myself starting to slip.